Money Saving Tips and Traveling for Free

Two MUST READ articles for anyone traveling on a budget... that goes double for hitchhikers. The first is from Wade Shepard. He's traveled with family, has hitchhiked, and has otherwise blazed a path for others to learn from. As a hiker, his article "Free Travel" brings a smile to my face whenever I come across familiar territory... but he had a lot to teach me, as well.

The second article focuses in on arbitrage, the ability to save expenses by changing your economic territory. The article "Geographic Arbitrage: Save Money by Leaving The Country" goes into popular areas that are cheap, into general expenses that can be cut (including tax suggestions), into long-term savings and more. I just read it a second time... 'n I'm taking notes. I'll be tuning into Get Rich Slowly more often.

Fav phrase of the day: (Spanish) "Corazon Gitano"; "Gypsy Heart"
(/w thx to Olivia again for the phrase of the day)

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